

Aiming to maintain the excellence of its products, our company has always searched for and imported the best greens directly from the most renowned growing areas in the world. The continuous improvement of roasting techniques and the related heating temperatures and timings are part of our knowledge and allow us to offer our customers a perfect espresso every day.

The flavour of the best selected greens, blended together according to our traditional recipes handed down through generations, is enhanced during the roasting process.

The slow and harmonious roasting is the key to the best balanced aroma.

Roasting is the most delicate part of the process where the green bean is subject to a real transformation from a raw seed to a satinized, fragrant, brown roasted bean.

Our people have always had a true passion for their job, a job consisting of daily commitment and devotion to coffee. We are proud to allow our customers to appreciate the highest quality of our espresso through a very prompt delivery from our factory to our customers, both in Italy and abroad.

The freshness of the coffee is crucial to maximising the aroma. That is why the finished product inventory is almost at zero because production is strictly scheduled according to deliveries.

However, our job doesn’t stop here. Maintenance of the equipment, espresso machine and grinder, is crucial to the process in order to obtain the perfect espresso which is biologically changing day by day and is affected by external temperature and humidity.

We continuously support our customers by testing the finished product in the cup.


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Port Elizabeth

South Africa


Tel:  (041) 368 9103 

Fax: (041) 368 2367




Killarney Gardens

TELEPHONEl. 021 5566306




Pavin Caffe

Enjoy the taste of Pavin Caffe


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